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Dealing with Debt

Many Baby Boomers are retiring while still carrying massive amounts of debt. This can add stress to what should be a carefree time of you life.

Here are some tips for getting out of debt:

1. Pay Off Those Credit Cards - Make sure you're paying off more than the monthly minimum. Also, check the interest rates you're being charged and pay down the cards with the highest rates first.

2. Refinance Credit Card Debt - If your credit is good, it may make sense to consolidate your credit card debt into a personal loan. Typically, personal loans charge far less interest than the major credit cards. Just make sure you don't run up the amounts on those cards again!

3. Cut Out the Extras - Decide what you really need - not just what you want.

4. Sell Your Stuff - There are now many ways to get rid of unwanted items and earn a little extra cash... from eBay to craigslist. Or you can always hold a garage sale. You'll have less stuff t take care of and earn some additional money at the same time.