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A Tip to Help You (O)Live Longer

Medical researchers are proving something the Italians have known for centuries – cooking in olive oil can be the healthiest choice!

Studies show that extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) can help clear toxins from the brain that contribute to Alzheimer’s and other dementias. However, be careful when shopping as most oils marketed as “extra virgin” don’t really get the job done. Expert recommend buying your olive oil from California growers because that state has imposed a stricter standard for labelling olive oil “extra virgin.” They also recommend buying oil in darker bottles as light can breakdown the healthy components in EVOO.

They also recommend a small taste test. If the olive oil produced a slight burning feeling at the back of your throat – that’s good! It means that oil is high in the stuff that helps keep you brain clear.

While you’re at it, it’s also recommended that when you cook with oil, make it olive oil as it produces less harmful chemicals than other oils (like canola and peanut)when subjected to heat.