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Is True Love Waiting Online?

Before You Investigate Those 50+ Dating Sites - Read This

Single Baby Boomers who want date usually have one problem – finding an available partner in the course of our daily life becomes more difficult as we get older.

Many of us today are turning to the multitude of online dating sites, especially those that cater to people in our age group. These are good places to find people in your area who might make good candidates for dating and maybe something more serious down the line.

But like everything else online, there are some general safety rules you should be aware of first:


1.) Don’t give out too much personal information online. Things like your home address, phone number, etc. Keep things light.

2.) Make your first meeting in public in broad daylight. Choose a popular restaurant or some area where there are always lots of other people. Also, on the first meeting, never let someone you just met walk you back to your car.

3.) Take things slow. And don’t ignore any “red flags” that may come up. For example, if someone insists on always calling you rather than the other way around or if they’re never available on weekends, don’t ignore things like this.