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5 Tips to Staying Healthy During the Holidays

1. It’s Okay to Say “No”

We all tend to get overbooked during the holidays. Remember, you don’t have to accept every invitation you receive.

2. Take Some “Me” Time

Yes, the holidays are time for family and friends. But it doesn’t have to be 24/7! This tip goes with the first one. Make sure you reserve some alone time to decompress.

3. Watch the Holiday Treats

Most of what we eat over the holidays is carbohydrates (candy, cookies, etc.). Protein not only helps with weight maintenance, but it takes longer to digest, meaning it takes a longer time to get hungry again

4. Keep Exercising

Don’t wait for New Year’s to resolve to stay fit. Make sure you’re getting plenty of exercise before that ball drops on Dec. 31!

5. Do for Others

Not only is that the real meaning Christmas, but helping others also makes us happy!