Okay, we all know sugar is bad, but it tastes so darn good! We can cut down our intake of sugar (and still enjoy the occasional treats) by following a few simple tips:
Whole Fruit vs. Fruit Juice: Fruit juice can have as much sugar as several pieces of whole fruit, but none of the fiber that slows absorption. Eat the whole fruit and skip the juice.
The Best Fruits: Those are the ones that release their sugar into our systems more slowly. These include apples, berries and grapefruit.
Chocolate: Every chocoholic knows there are actual health benefits in chocolate. And the darker the chocolate, the more cocoa (the health-giving stuff) and the less sugar (the not-so-healthy stuff).
Avoid White: Not only is cane sugar white, but foods like white bread, white rice and white pasta are metabolized in your body just like sugar. Health experts say you should substitute whole gains and skip the white.