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4 Steps to Avoiding the Flu

Flu season is here again. Here are 4 things the pros say can help you avoid flu this winter:

  1. ) Get a Flu Shot – Experts advise everyone over 65 to get their annual flu shot. Check with your doctor, there are many ways to get this shot without it costing you any money.
  2. ) Use a Humidifier – Viruses love dry air. And winters, especially in northern states, tend to be dry. Those in the know say you should set your humidifier at 40% humidity or higher for maximum benefit.
  3. ) Get Plenty of Sleep – This tip can have additional benefits in every area of your life. Also, a cooler bedroom can help you sleep by stimulating the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.
  4. ) Consider a Vitamin D Supplement – Check with your doctor of this. Our bodies produce vitamin D when our skin is in contact with direct sunlight. There’s less of that during the winter months. Also, as we ag, we tend to produce less vitamin D, which helps out immune system, so a boost may be in order.

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