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To "D" or Not to "D"

It’s Vitamin D were talking about. This vitamin is absolutely essential for bone density, strengthening the body’s immune system and may even reduce the risk of cancer. The problem is the primary way we get Vitamin D is from sunlight, And we all know the health risks associated with too much sun.

As we age, our bodies need more of this vitamin, but we also become more susceptible to overexposure to the UV rays of the sun. So what’s a good Baby Boomer supposed to do? There are two additional solutions:

Vitamin D capsules: Sold over the counter in drug and grocery stores everywhere, Vitamin D tablets can help give us the daily recommended dose of 600 IU for those under 80 and 800 IU for those over 80. As always, consult your physician before starting on Vitamin D supplements.

Diet: We can also get Vitamin D from the foods we eat – although the typical American diet is woefully lacking in foods that provide this vital nutrient. Foods high in Vitamin D include:

  • Fatty Fish (Salmon, Mackerel, Trout)
  • Portobello Mushrooms
  • Fortified Milk & Non-Dairy Milk
  • Fortified Orange Juice
  • Yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Pork

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