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Memory Boosters # 1

As we grow older, all of us experience some problems with memory. Don’t panic. It’s perfectly normal. We prefer to think that the data center we call our brains simply has so much more data to store than it did when we were in our twenties or thirties, that naturally, it takes a bit more time and effort to sort through all that stuff to find what we need.

One of the most common ways this manifests itself is when you get up to fetch some object or perform some task, arrive at what you know was your destination, but forget why you went there. Again, don’t panic. This happens to all of us. The cause is what memory experts call “the doorway effect.” In simple terms, when we walk into a new environment, our brains do something like a reboot, taking in all the new sights and sounds around us. That can cause us to temporarily forget what purpose we had in mind when we started out.

There are a couple of solutions to this problem, experts say. One is to keep repeating the task as you get up and move into a new room or location. The second is to return to the room or location you were in when you decided you needed to go someplace else. When you get there try to retrace as many of the thoughts and actions you had before you went on the move.

Most of all, try to relax. Stressing will only make it harder to remember.

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